Selected sexual harassment/assault programs for K-12 students and parents
Parent toolkit
This free toolkit helps parents and allies find out what their schools are doing about sexual harassment. It contains video clips, fact sheets, a checklist, and ways to make positive change in your community.
Sexual Harassment: Not in Our School!
This free innovative video and action plan for K-12 parents, middle and high school students, schools, and community organizations explores gender equality in education, students’ protections under Title IX, and more. Companion webpage includes related resources, fact sheets, and essential links.
National Women’s Law Center #MeTooK12 Resources
Share My Lesson: #MeToo and #MeTooK12
Curated resources to help educators with critical conversations and lesson planning, as well as school procedures and policies.
Green Dot programs
A training in bystander behavior for K-12 peer opinion leaders and campus/school-wide “persuasive speeches” to educate and engage students.
Second Step
A school-based, social-emotional skills-based program for middle school students aimed at reducing bullying, peer victimization, and other problem behaviors.
Advocates for Youth: Rights, Respect, Responsibility
A collection of lesson plans on topics such as: self-understanding, family, growth and development, friendship, sexuality, life skills, and health promotion.
K-5 Consent Toolkit
An exemplary consent curriculum from the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH).
California Healthy Youth Act curricula
Curricula used by California school districts.
Think B4 You Speak: Lessons, resources and tips for addressing anti-LGBT language in your classroom
Based on a public service advertising campaign designed to address anti-LGBT language among teens, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) developed classroom discussion questions for exploring and analyzing the video, audio, and print ads, followed by six educational activities that increase awareness and knowledge of the issues, develop skills for addressing them and promote social action.
Meeting the Needs of Girls
The Oakland, CA Alliance for Girls, partners, and girl leaders created this toolkit to help Oakland Unified School District educators create a girl-equity culture that includes the supports that girls of color so desperately need. The toolkit recommends policies, practices and programs, and includes a variety of helpful resources.
Middle School Matters
These tools for schools have been designed for educators to help create a school climate environment that motivates middle school students and adults to be their very best.
SexEd Library
SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) compiled over 100 lesson plans for educators, counselors, administrators, and health professionals seeking the latest in human sexuality research, lesson plans, and professional development opportunities.
Safe Relationships and Sexual Harassment
A high school slide presentation developed by the San Francisco Unified School District
Prevent Connect
This Wiki lists prevention curricula for various audiences.
Jackson County (Oregon) SART Curriculum
A curriculum aligned with Oregon standards intended to make students aware and active shapers of their own culture, teaching them how to step forward and interrupt unhealthy behaviors – and how to create healthier ones.
The Reckoning: Teaching About the #MeToo Moment and Sexual Harassment With Resources From The New York Times
Lesson plans based on articles about the #MeToo movement appearing in the NY Times.
Futures Without Violence: Audrie and Daisy lesson plans
Lesson plans for middle and high school students designed to inform and raise awareness of the root causes of sexual violence, the role of social media, consent, intervention strategies, and how to promote healthy relationships.
Title IX resource materials for Title IX Coordinators and school district administrators
Many state education equity offices have developed training materials for their school districts:
State Title IX Gender Equity Coordinators, Methods of Administration Coordinators & other State Level Gender Equity Experts, compiled by the Feminist Majority Foundation.
Example Title IX training resources from state education equity offices:
Ashland (OR) Public Schools Sexual Harassment Title IX Policy. Developed with the assistance of the Jackson County, OR Sexual Assault Response Team, this student- and parent-friendly policy can serve as a model for every school district.
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments: Safe Place to Learn
Commissioned by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, this resource includes: guidance for administrators; e-learning modules for all school staff; a coordinated response team planning guide and training module; a trauma sensitivity training module; and action steps, discussion guides, bystander supports, and other resources.
Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment at School. This 2011 report by the American Association of University Women presents new evidence on sexual harassment, including cyber-harassment, in middle and high schools. It confirms that sexual harassment remains an unfortunate part of school culture, affecting the educational experiences of millions of students, especially girls.
Ending Sexual Harassment and Violence
San Francisco Unified School District’s School Health Programs uses these resources for staff training and support.
Ending Harassment Now: Keeping Our Kids Safe at School
The findings in this report by Equal Rights Advocates, as well as the suggested action items, are designed to prompt action to improve the law, school policies, and training.
Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment K-12: Strategies and Solutions for Educators to Use in the Classroom, School, and Community, by Bernice Sandler and Harriett Stonehill (2005)
This book is a comprehensive and detailed blueprint for an overall plan and policy to prevent and deal with peer harassment. It includes over 700 specific strategies and solutions to use in the classroom, school, and community.
Title IX Resource Guide, U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (2015).
Title IX at 45, National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (2017).
Title IX at 50, National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (2022).
Title IX K-12, Association of Title IX Administrators.