Below are examples of the more than 200 news articles with SSAIS perspectives.
Chronological List of Media Reports
- Misogyny and Gender Bias Are on the Rise: What Can Educators Do? (by SSAIS co-founder Joel Levin) (American Federation of Teachers Share My Lesson)
- Will Razing the Education Department Imperil Girls? (featuring comments by SSAIS Director Karen Truszkowski)
- Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: A Teachable Moment (by SSAIS co-founder Esther Warkov)(WMC FBomb)
- Why We Need to Educate Students About Title IX (by SSAIS youth leader Jocelyn Cho)(Women’s Media Center)
- Texas school’s handling of bullying case highlights Title IX challenges (SSAIS Board Chair Heidi Goldstein is interviewed)(KXAN-TV)
- The Power of Peer Education to Combat Sexual Harassment (by SSAIS co-founder Joel Levin) (American Federation of Teachers Share My Lesson)
- AI is shockingly good at making fake nudes — and causing havoc in schools (POLITICO)
- SSAIS on the Title IX trial against Fairfax County Public Schools: 1) Alleged victim’s mother says assistant principal told her: ‘Your daughter is a liar,’ as school board expands legal strategy to claim a former student and her mother are lying, 2) School board rests its defense in rape coverup trial, as judge denies school board and defendants’ efforts to dismiss the case, 3) Kudos for coverage of FCPS trial (Fairfax County Times)
- Most school districts failing to follow rules in reviewing sexual harassment policies (Cascadia Daily News) (also here)
- Day 13: Alleged victim’s mother says assistant principal told her: ‘Your daughter is a liar,’ as school board expands legal strategy to claim a former student and her mother are lying (SSAIS quoted in a report on the Title IX trial of Fairfax County Public Schools)(Fairfax County Times)
- Kudos for coverage of FCPS trial (letter to the editor, Fairfax County Times, by SSAIS cofounder Joel Levin)(Fairfax County Times)
- Fighting Back Against Sexual Assault and Harassment in Schools (by SSAIS Director Meghan Joyce Tozer)(Women’s Media Center)
- The Silent Struggle: Intersectionality and Students of Color (by SSAIS volunteer Eunice Hong)(WMC Fbomb)
- February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, but the Impact of Violence Is Long-Lasting (by SSAIS volunteer Anna Flauter) (WMC FBomb)
- Join Innovative Research to Reduce Sexual Harassment and Assault (by SSAIS Cofounder Esther Warkov)(EdPost)
- New Research Looks for Ways to Reduce Sexual Harassment and Assault in Schools (by SSAIS Cofounder Joel Levin)(The 74)
- How to Address Sexual Harassment and Assault with Children (by SSAIS Advisor Jo-Ann Finkelstein) (Psychology Today)
- Igniting Youth to Combat Sexual Harassment in School (EdPost)
- Feds Demand Action on School Sexual Misconduct. Will California Heed the Call? (San Francisco Standard)
- Rape Survivors and Experts on Preventing College Campus Sexual Violence (by former SSAIS volunteer Cate Bikales)(Women’s Media Center)
- Teacher Accused of Sexual Misconduct Was Allowed to Quietly Leave Two Bay Area Schools (San Francisco Standard)
- Combating K-12 Sexual Harassment and Violence: How Far Have We Come? (by SSAIS co-founder Esther Warkov) (Ms. Magazine)
- The Ghost of Betsy DeVos Still Hangs over Title IX. Here’s How the Feds Can Do Better To Protect Students From Sexual Harassment and Assault. (by SSAIS co-founder and Program Director Joel Levin)(Education Post)
- As #MeTooK12 Turns 4, Students Can’t Wait for Adults to Make Change (by SSAIS co-founder and executive director Esther Warkov)(Education Post)
- Young Activist’s Google Map Sheds Light on the Prevalence of Sexual Assault (Ms.)
- Quincy High students join nationwide call for more transparency around sexual violence (The Patriot Ledger)
- Opinion: BUSD still doesn’t understand its obligations to address sexual harassment and assault (by SSAIS board chair Heidi Goldstein)(Berkeleyside)
- She tried to reform Berkeley Unified’s Title IX office. After 6 months of frustration, she quit. (Berkeleyside)
- 2003 sexual harassment allegations failed to trigger Title IX protections at West Valley (Shasta Scout)
- Student’s testimony puts pressure on school board to move faster on sexual harm reforms (Berkeleyside)
- Students Are Walking Out of School to Demand Better Protections From Sexual Harassment and Assault (by SSAIS co-founder Esther Warkov)(Citizen Ed)
- A New Way to Combat High School Sexual Harassment and Assault (by SSAIS Youth Advisor Cate Bikales)(Women’s Media Center)
- New National SASH Club Program Empowers Youth to Confront Sexual Harassment and Assault (Catcall)
- Prevention Is Now with PCASA – Sexual Violence In Our Schools K-12 (podcast featuring SSAIS Board chair Heidi Goldstein)(Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault)
- Parents form alliance to challenge Pine-Richland over handling of sexual assault allegation (about activism efforts of SSAIS advisors Tom and Jill Baxter)(WESA)
- Sexual assault allegations surface at Pine-Richland school board meeting (about activism efforts of SSAIS advisors Tom and Jill Baxter)(WTAE-TV)
- Group says Pine-Richland not taking claims of sex assault seriously at board meeting (about activism efforts of SSAIS advisors Tom and Jill Baxter)(WPXI-TV)
- 3 Ways to Ensure Better Title IX Protections for K-12 Students (by SSAIS Board chair, Heidi Goldstein) (reprinted in Yahoo News)
- Change in Schools Starts With Listening to Students (features the work of SSAIS youth advisor Kathryn LaLonde) (Education Post)
- #MeTooK12 Case Study: A High School Sexual Abuse Scandal (features the work of SSAIS Board member Kathryn Leehane)(Ms.)
- How Generations of Berkeley High Students Forced a Reckoning About Sexual Abuse (features the work of SSAIS Board Chair Heidi Goldstein)(KQED)
- How the Biden-Harris Administration Can Boost the National Campaign #MeTooK12 to End Sexual Harassment In K-12 Schools (co-published in The 74 and Ms. Magazine)
- Critics Say Abuse, Harassment Cases Cast a Cloud Over Marten’s Nomination (Voice of San Diego)
- Former Title IX Officer on Challenges Her District Faced During Pandemic (This article was originally written for SSAIS and was published by Campus Safety Magazine)
- What to Look for in a Title IX Coordinator for Your K-12 Campus (This article was originally written for SSAIS and was published by Campus Safety Magazine)
- Student-run initiative calls on school to take sexual assault claims seriously (features SSAIS board member Susan Moen)(KTVL-TV)
- 18 States and D.C. Sue DeVos to Block Changes to Title IX Sexual Misconduct Rules (The 74)
- K-12 schools keep mishandling sexual assault complaints. Will new Title IX regulations help? (
- School sexual assault rule change (Scripps TV)
- Betsy Devos introduces rule making it harder for child abuse victims come forward at school (The Independent)
- How the new DeVos rules on sexual assault will shock schools — and students (Politico)
- Schools Must Overhaul How They Respond to Sexual Assault (written by SSAIS Advisory Board member Heidi Goldstein) (Ms.)
- DeVos Sued Over New Title IX Rules That Make It ‘Easier for Schools to Sweep Sexual Violence Under the Rug’ (Common Dreams)
- ACLU sues Betsy DeVos over “reprehensible” new sexual assault rules (Salon, also in Truthout)
- Eastside Catholic was prepared to suspend high school football stars accused in 2018 sexual assault case (KING5-TV, Seattle)
- #MeTooK12 at 2 — the Impact of National Campaign to Stop Sexual Assault in Schools, and What Needs to Happen Next (The 74)
- Two Years of #MeTooK12: Analyzing the Impact of the Campaign to End Sexual Harassment in Schools (Ms. Magazine)
- Where #MeTooK12 Meets #RollRedRoll (Ms.) (also appears in JGirls Magazine)
- We Need Title IX Even in Elementary School (Psychology Today)
- Chicago Public Schools Ordered to Toughen Sexual Misconduct Policies (NY Times)
- Are Schools Prepared to Respond to Sex Abuse? Latest Probe Reveals Shortcomings (alternate) (Education Week)
- Chicago Public Schools Routinely Mishandled Sexual Assault Cases and Violated Title IX. Experts Warn It’s No Outlier (The 74)
- As DeVos Eases Sexual Assault Rules, Her Old High School May Provide a Test Case (NY Times)
- Speaking Up for Survivors in K-12 Schools (Ms. Magazine blog) re-blogged in Education Post
- Sexual Harassment Film Review by Minnah Stein (JGirls Magazine)
- Betsy DeVos’ Title IX Rules Could Hurt Students Even Before College, According To Activists (Bustle)
- Sexual harassment happens in elementary, middle and high schools. But not much is being done about it. (Deseret News)
- ‘#MeTooK12’ aims to shine a light on abuse in schools (The News-Gazette)
- How #MeTooK12 Teaches Youth About Sexual Assault & Harassment (Now This Her)
- What K-12 parents in Seattle need to know about proposed changes to Title IX rules on sexual assault, harassment (Seattle’s Child)
- Social Media Movements for Youth Around Sexual Violence (Psychology Today)
- What #MeToo Means to Teenagers (NY Times)
- When Students Say #MeToo, Schools May Be Unprepared to Help (Education Week)
- Kavanaugh’s accuser is the poster child for why young women don’t come forward about sexual assault (VICE News)
- Quora session with Joel Levin, SSAIS co-founder (Quora)
- This Jewish Teen Is Revolutionizing the Way We Teach Kids About Consent (Kveller)
- #MeTooK12: New campaign raises awareness about rights at school (Christian Science Monitor)
- #MeTooK12: Teens are Speaking Out About Assault and Harassment in Schools (Ms. Magazine) [re-posted in Faces of Education]
- Teen says Virginia school failed to keep her safe from alleged attacker (Washington Post)
- Amid Kavanaugh debate, teens push back against adults who say ‘boys will be boys’ (with SSAIS Advisory Board Member Tori Siegel) (Washington Post)
- Confronting the Realities of Sexual Harassment in Education and Edtech (EdSurge)
- Girls Are Sexually Harassed In School All The Time and No One Is Doing Anything About It (Seventeen)
- #MeTooK12: One Daughter’s Trauma, and a Family’s Quest to Prevent School-Related Sexual Violence (The 74)
- #MeTooK12: A new hashtag for students sexually assaulted or harassed in K-12 schools (Washington Post)
- Three Ways Schools Can Help Prevent Sexual Assault (America’s Promise)
- Lawsuit alleges Holland Christian Schools protected student rapist (Holland Sentinel)
- Betsy DeVos Gets a Lesson in Civil Rights Now That Her High School Is Being Sued (EducationPost)
- DeVos’ alma mater in Michigan being sued for Title IX violations (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal)
- Md. lawmakers consider bill requiring schools to teach sexual consent and respecting personal boundaries (Washington Post)
- I Was Sexually Abused by Another Student and It Never Should Have Happened by SSAIS advisor Michelle Seyler (Education Post)
- Ashbrook HS student forced to take online classes after speaking out about sex assaults (FOX46 TV, Charlotte, NC)
- Thousands of sexual harassment offenses in California schools (KGTV News10, San Diego)
- When Students Say #MeToo, Schools Don’t Always Listen (America’s Promise Alliance)
- Nonprofit Aims To Raise Awareness About Sexual Assault And Harassment In Schools (KNKX radio)
- Let’s talk about respect (Scholastic Choices, subscription required)
- MeTooK12 helps raise awareness of sexual harassment in schools (Education Dive)
- #MeTooK12 Seeks to Spotlight Problem of Sexual Assault in Schools (Education Week)
- In a prestigious high school math and science program, alumni say #MeToo (Washington Post)
- This girl reported being sexually assaulted twice at her high school. Her principal told her to ‘toughen up’ and get over it (babe)
- #MeTooK12: Sexual assaults at Georgia’s school (KXIA-TV Atlanta)
- #MeToo Goes to School (U.S. News)
- #MeTooK12 Campaign Brings Awareness to K-12 Sexual Assaults (Campus Safety)
- #MeTooK12 hashtag combats sexual harassment in schools (District Administration)
- Here’s How the #MeToo Movement Is Continuing in Our Schools (Education Post)
- “Me Too K12” Hashtag Is Bringing Awareness To Sexual Assault In Schools, & It’s An Issue That Doesn’t Get Talked About Enough (Bustle)
- #Metook12 is giving a much-needed voice to young victims of sexual harassment and assault (Babble)
- CALL 6: Indiana teens feel unsafe, unprotected after reporting they’ve been raped (KRTV-TV)
- Portland’s MeTooK12 movement rings out across the nation, but only silence heard here (Portland Tribune)
- How school leaders can help students say #MeToo (TrustED)
- MeTooK12 Shines Light on Sexual Assault and Harassment in Grade School (Teen Vogue)
- Youth and Sexual Harassment, from #MeToo To #MeTooK12 (The Gender Policy Report)
- High school student says she’s being bullied, harassed after speaking about sexual assaults (FOX 46, Charlotte, NC)
- What Do Schools Teach About Sexual Harassment? (Education Week)
- Incidents at Sebastopol middle school bring #metoo into local focus (Sonoma West Times & News)
- For moms of boys, mixed emotions over sexual misconduct saga (Associated Press)
- Will #MeToo be a turning point for younger girls, too? (CNN)
- #MeTooK12 Is Opening the Door for Students to Talk About Sexual Assault (Glamour)
- On Point Talk interview with SSAIS co-founder (On Point Talk TV)
- The Secret of Sexual Assault in Schools (NEA Today) [Also appeared in the Spring 2018 print edition]
- Why We Need Title IX to Let Her Learn: A Parent’s Perspective (National Women’s Law Center)
- Teen Victims Beg School Board Not to Let Sex Offender Back in School (Broadly)
- Combatting Sexual Harassment and Assault in Schools (Jewish Women’s Archive)
- New Report Exposes How Schools Dismiss Rape as ‘Hazing’ or ‘Bullying’ (Broadly)
- Why I Became a Sexual Assault Activist (jGirls Magazine) SSAIS teen advisor Minnah explains why she’s fighting sexual assault.
- Are central Indiana schools doing enough to prevent sexual assault? (WTTV Indianapolis)
- ‘Passing the trash’: Teachers accused of sexual abuse aren’t always unemployable (
- We Can’t Wait: Solutions to K-12 Sexual Harassment and Assault (Huffington Post)
- AP Report: Sexual assaults by peers at school (WBRC-TV Birmingham)
- How A Teen Girl’s School Rape Case Became A Racist Witch Hunt (The Huffington Post)
- Title IX at 45 (Society of Women Engineers)
- Sexual Assault: A 21st Century Civil Rights Issue (Our Bodies Ourselves)
- Sexual violence isn’t just a college problem. It happens in K-12 schools, too. (alternate) (Washington Post)
- With Trump’s Title IX stance unknown, video aims to educate about sexual harassment at school (EdSource) Also published in The Huffington Post.
- Film takes aim at national K-12 sexual assault, student rights (Portland Tribune)
- “My School Punished Me” (Slate Magazine)
- Wild parties, an alleged rape, and a high school’s troubling response (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Advocates: Sexual assaults underreported in schools (Cape Cod Times) (alternate)
- Alleged assault at Barnstable school prompts legal threat (Cape Cod Times)
- Experts say schools must do more to address early signs of sexual harassment (EdSource)
- An Unprecedented Opportunity To Teach K-12 Students About Sexual Harassment (Featured blog, Huffington Post)
- How Can Schools And Parents Address Donald Trump’s Statements Describing Sexual Assault? (Huffington Post)
- California Students Are Getting An Education On Sexual Assault (Huffington Post)
- Sexual Assault Survivors Share Their Stories After Stanford Letter: Laura Allen SSAIS board member (Buzzfeed)
- Should San Diego, Carlsbad Schools Have Told Parents About Sex-Assault Investigations? (KPBS San Diego)
- Investigation into Green Elementary School sex scandal closes (San Diego Reader)
- Student Ordered to Bake Bread as ‘Penance’ for Girl He Sexually Assaulted (Broadly)
- Activists Take Aim At High Schools For Mishandling Sexual Assault (Huffington Post)
- As the Mother of a Rape Victim I Know Consent Education Is Not Enough (Huffington Post)
- Lawmakers Shift Campus Rape Conversation to High Schools (Women’s eNews)
- Sexual Abuse in Elite Private Schools: What the Spotlight Team Asked Us (Huffington Post)
- What the White House Asked Us About K-12 Sexual Violence (Huffington Post)
- Nonprofit dedicated to educating public about gender harassment (Portland Tribune)
- Why Lady Gaga Should Be Talking to a Rape Victim’s Mother About K-12 Sexual Assault (Huffington Post)
- Combatting the Epidemic of K-12 Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (Huffington Post)
- Reporting a school sexual assault can increase a victim’s risk of punishment (Washington Post)
SSAIS brought the family’s case featured in this article to the Washington Post. - “Sexual assault at Sandy Elementary School” (KBOO radio) files U.S.Dept. of Ed Title IX complaint. - Federal Campus Rape Investigations Near 200, And Finally Get More Funding (Huffington Post)
- SSAIS helps family bring Title IX investigation to Warren (MI) School District (Click on Detroit)
- Dept. of Education investigating school that expelled girl after she reported a sexual assault (WXYZ Channel 7 Detroit)
- Combating Sexual Assault in Schools (Univ. of Washington Daily)
- Investigation ongoing into Title IX violation at NESC (Sullivan Daily Times) (alternate)
In-depth report of the Indiana case that SSAIS brought to media attention. - Grandfather of alleged rape victim charged for threatening accused attacker’s family
(Sullivan Daily Times)
A follow-up report on the fallout from the Indiana case that SSAIS brought to the media. - High Schools Are Failing Girls Who Report Sexual Assault (Huffington Post)
SSAIS brought the IN and MI cases mentioned in this article to media attention.
#MeTooK12: Reports, Impact, Reach
SSAIS Lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education
ACLU Sues to Stop New Title IX Rule (Politico)
How Concerning Are the Trump Administration’s New Title IX Regulations? (The New Yorker)
ACLU sues Betsy DeVos over new rules on campus sexual harassment and assault (CBS News)
ACLU sues Betsy DeVos over new campus sexual harassment and assault rules (NBC News)
ACLU files lawsuit against Education Dept, DeVos over new campus sexual assault rules (The Hill)
ACLU sues Betsy DeVos over “reprehensible” new sexual assault rules (Salon)
Betsy DeVos is Already Being Sued Over Her New Campus Sexual Assault Rules (Mother Jones)
Betsy DeVos and Education Department Face Lawsuit Over New Campus Sexual Assault Rule (Law and Crime)
ACLU Sues DeVos Over Title IX Rules on Sexual Assault, Harassment Investigations (EdWeek)
ACLU, Survivor Advocate Groups Sue Dept. of Education (Inside Higher Ed)
Rights Protection Group Sues US Over New Campus Sex Assault Rules (VOA News)
DeVos Sued Over New Title IX Rules That Make It ‘Easier for Schools to Sweep Sexual Violence Under the Rug’ (Common Dreams)
ACLU sues Betsy DeVos over new campus sexual assault regulations (Jurist)
ACLU sues DeVos over Title IX changes that make it harder for women to press assault charges on campus (Wisconsin Gazette)
Trump Administration Official Sued By ACLU Over Sexual Assault Rule Change (Inquisitir)
The Absurd Attacks on the ACLU (ACLU Blog)
Reports on SSAIS Founders' Advocacy in the Seattle School District
The following are reports on our advocacy that led to US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights investigation of the Seattle School District for violation of Title IX (sexual assault):
Must See Reports
- In handling rape, high schools are worse than colleges In-depth national coverage of Federal investigation (Al-Jazeera America)
- FBI policy disputes Seattle Schools’ version of alleged rape investigation Investigative report exposes District’s false claims about FBI’s directive (KIRO TV)
- Feds Investigate Seattle Schools Handling of Rape Case (KING TV) [story no longer available online]
- Protesters criticize Seattle school’s handling of alleged rape (KOMO News)
- Parents, students confront Seattle school leaders over sexual assault case (Q13 FOX)
- Federal investigation of Seattle School District with parent (KIRO Radio On Demand) [story no longer available online]
- Teen Raped on Field Trip, Treated Horribly by Seattle High School (
- Title IX Blog
Reports on OCR Investigation
- Teen’s family appeals to U.S. Department of Education to investigate Garfield High School rape (KIRO TV)
- Lessons from the Garfield High School Rape (Seattle Met)
- Seattle Public Schools Under Federal Investigation After Garfield Parents Allege the District Botched a Sexual Assault Investigation (The Stranger – Slog)
- Four Questions About the Garfield High School Rape Case (The Stranger – Slog)
- Seattle school district under fire for handling of Garfield High student’s 2012 rape investigation (Capitol Hill Seattle Blog)
- ‘Campus Accountability and Safety Act’ Addresses Sexual Assault (National Federation of State High School Federations)
Demonstrations and Response
- Parents, students confront Seattle school leaders over sexual assault case (Q13 FOX)
- Protesters criticize Seattle school’s handling of alleged rape (KOMO News)
- Seattle School Board President Deliberately Misses the Point on Rape, Again (The Stranger – Slog)
- School Board President’s Comments on Alleged Garfield Rape Case “Appall” and “Dishearten” (The Stranger – Slog)
- Overview of assault and Title IX case (KIRO radio)
- Victim’s Mother: Seattle Schools Ignoring Rape Allegations (
- Garfield halts overnight trips; school criticized for handling of student-rape allegation (Seattle Times)
- Amid Public Outcry, Seattle Schools Changes Handling Of Sex Assault Allegations Radio interview with detailed print story by education reporter Kyle Stokes (KPLU-FM)
- Seattle Schools To Convene Task Force To Review Handling Of Sex Assault Claims (KPLU-FM)
- Seattle Schools responds to mistakes made in Garfield High rape investigation (Capitol Hill Seattle Blog)
- Seattle School District Settles Rape Allegation (Washington Times)
- $700,000 settlement reached in Garfield High field-trip case (Seattle Times)
- Garfield High School Rape Case Moves Toward Settlement (The Skanner)
- Field trip rape allegation forces change, cash settlement at Seattle Schools (Q13 FOX)
- District settles case over alleged school camp rape (KING 5 News)
- Seattle school district settles rape allegation (Daily Mail, UK)
Impact of our Advocacy on Subsequent Reports of Sexual Assault on Students in Seattle
- Probe of Garfield trip finds district may also be at fault after groping allegations (Seattle Times)
- Drinking, groping alleged during Garfield HS trip; choir teacher faces termination (My Northwest)
- Garfield students show support for choir leader (Seattle Times)
- Seattle Schools Investigating Drinking, Groping During Garfield High Field Trip (KPLU radio)
- Officials investigate reports of groping, drinking on Garfield High School student trip to New Orleans (Capitol Hill Times)
Seattle Community Activists’ Forum
- Community Education Forum Save Seattle Schools. See in particular posts by education activist Charles Mas
- A Tragic Story 7/22/14
- Don’t Tell Us – Show Us 7/24/14
- The Volume is Going Up on the Garfield Rape Case 7/25/14
- Seattle School Board Speaks Out on Garfield Field Trip Incident 7/26/14
- Something Horrible Under Every Rock 7/27/14
- Garfield Field Trip Assault: Continuing Questions 7/28/14
- Where’s the Problem? 7/28/14
- Gaps in the Garfield Case 8/21/14
- My Plea to Superintendent Nyland 8/21/14
- Guest Post on Garfield Field Trip Rape 8/28/14
- Seattle School Board Comments from Last Night’s Meeting 9/4/14
- What’s wrong with the District’s narrative on NatureBridge 9/6/14
- So What Have They Done? 9/6/14
- The District’s Title IX PR Effort 9/10/14
- The District’s Real Response 9/11/14
- Garfield cancels all field trips 9/24/14
- Garfield Field Trip PTSA Meeting 9/30/14
- Why the NatureBridge Case Matters 9/29/14
- From the Family of the Garfield Student 10/8/14
- Garfield Field Trip Incident Settled by Family 10/8/14